Pat Boone for NM Senate District 27

Hello! I am Pat Boone, a lifelong rancher from rural, eastern New Mexico. I am a republican candidate for NM Senate District 27 and I humbly ask for your vote!

5th Generation Rancher

Our family has been ranching the land in District 27 for over 100 years. We’ve worked the same soil your families have. As the 5th generation of a ranching family in Eastern New Mexico, I am proud to call this area home.

I Am Here For You!

New Mexico Senate District 27 is primarily rural land. It includes Fort Sumner, Portales, Elida, Dora, Floyd, Tatum, parts of Texico, Clovis, Roswell, and places in-between.

As someone who has called this area home my whole life, I understand the needs of the hardworking people in our district. I want to represent you with your needs in mind. Rural New Mexico deserves a voice that has worked the same land.

Our family has been ranching in this area since New Mexico’s statehood. We know the needs of our district, because we are the same people! I believe it is important to have someone representing you that holds the same core values and interests. That’s why I promise to work hard to represent you in a way that makes you proud.

Vote Pat Boone for NM Senate Dist. 27 on June 4, 2024!
pat boone for senate

Family Man

God blessed me with a beautiful family. They are my support system. My wife, Cindy, and I have been married 49 years. I am a man of good morals with a dedication to supporting the family system.

Ag Man

It is no secret that Santa Fe is after private property rights in our state. I’m a lifelong rancher and agriculture man. I know how important the legacy of our private property is to families like mine who have been working the land for generations.

Devout Christian

As a devout Christian, my decisions are made with careful prayer and consideration. I believe firmly that if God brings me to it, He will bring me through it.

Pro Life

I believe in the sanctity of human life as it is a gift from God. I stand firm in supporting the human rights of unborn children.

NRA Member

I am a proud member of the NRA. I fully support our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. Our Nation’s founders laid those rights out in our Constitution, and I believe those rights should not be infringed upon.

Why I Am Different

My experience representing the needs of the people of NM Senate District 27 speak for itself. I have been a dedicated public servant for the past 45+ years and plan to continue that service to our community. I love the people of rural New Mexico, and want to represent them as a Christian Rancher with strong morals. Here’s a bit about organizations I’ve worked with:

NM Cattle Growers Association Executive Committee – Past President

Founded in 1914, NM Cattle Growers works to promote the industry, solve problems and lend a voice to legislative issues. We work to preserve and protect private property rights through legislation, litigation and regulation.

Soil & Water Conservation Commission – Past Chairman

The SWCC advises NMDA on any matter that affects New Mexico’s soil and water conservation districts. The SWCC also awards annual grants for water quality and conservation projects.

Elida School Board – Past Chairman

The Elida School Board sets the standard for achievement in the school district, incorporating the community’s view of what students should know and be able to accomplish at each grade level. They are accessible to everyone in the community and accountable for the performance of the schools in the district.

Roosevelt County Electric Co-op Board – Past President & Chairman

RCEC has 2,676 miles of line, 6,060 metered homes/businesses, and has been in existence since April 4, 1938. It has 43 employees that keep electricity running to the people of Roosevelt County.

NM Cattleman of the Year 2020

Chosen by NM Cattle Growers Association members because of my dedication to the association and to New Mexico’s ranching industry.

National Ranching Heritage Association Board Member

This organization preserves and protects the ranching history for the entire nation. Ranching has a rich history in our country, and preserving that is important to the growth of the ranching industry as it progresses.